MEPCO Online Bill January 2025

You do not need to spend hours visiting physical locations or waiting for your electricity bill. You can check your Mepco online bill here. You can also download and print a copy of your mepco bill that contains information regarding total units consumed, due date, and amount to be paid. Enter the 14-digit reference number or 10-digit consumer ID in the field below to check or download a duplicate copy of your mepco bill online.

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If you face difficulty in finding a 14-digit reference number on your bill, you do not need to worry. The following marked area on the bill will help you

mepco bill reference number

How to Check Mepco Online Bill

Multan Electric Power Company (MEPCO) is a power distribution company working in Multan since 14 May 1998. It provides power transmissions not only to Multan but also to other areas of south Punjab.

Mepco online bill check system assists you in tracking your mepco bill online at your convenience. If you follow these steps, you will be able to check your WAPDA bill online and download or print a copy of it.

  • Enter your 14-digit reference number or 10-digit customer ID in the box and press the submit button for online mepco bill check
  • To download the latest copy of your mepco online bill press the download button or save as pdf.
  • If you want to print a duplicate copy of your bill online, just press the Print button
  • Your copy of the mepco bijli bill is ready now

It is worth mentioning here that you can not check the mepco online bill by CNIC, name or mobile number. You must have either a bill reference number or a customer ID for an online bill check.

you can also calculate your bill with the help of mepco bill calculator. The calculator estimates you total units consumed and adds taxes and surcharges. if you do not know about the current tariff rates. You can see mepco tariff rates to know better about your electricity bill.

MEPCO Bill Payment

Multan Electric Power Company has made payment of mepco bill very easy for its consumers. you can pay your electricity bill through bank. If you find it hard, now worries, mepco also facilitate you to pay your bill via easy paisa, jazz cash, Daraz Wallet and even through your bank cards. Now you can make your mepco bill payment from the comfort zone of your homes.

MEPCO Online Bill SMS Registration

Mepco bill online check service not only provides you with an online facility but you can also get your bill through a short messaging service. Just Activate the Mepco SMS alert. This service provides quick, simple, and timely information regarding the bill. Type pitc <space> enter the 14-digit reference number of your bill and send it to 8334.

By using MEPCO’s SMS service, you can keep track of your bills so that you get all the due dates.

MEPCO Online Bill Email Registration

If you want to get your mepco bill via your email. You need to register your email address. After registering your email, you can get mepco bill every month through your email. you can read more detail about monthly bill subscription or email registration here.

Areas under the Jurisdiction of Mepco

Multan Electric Power Company facilitates its consumers in different areas of South Punjab. The company responsibly distributes power energy to the following districts of Punjab

Power Distribution Areas

MEPCO Bill Online Information

The online bill check facility of mepco assists you in viewing the current bill as well as the previous bill history check online.  This includes the amount payable by due date, expiry date and units recorded during the meter reading. 

If you want to perform wapda bill online check or look over your previous month’s bill history. You need to press the full bill option. This feature enables you to view the complete bill information.

Online facility of mepco also provide hassle free facility to its users to get new connection online. you need to visit electricity new connection system and put the required information. Thus you can apply for electricity new connection .

mepco online bill banner

Peak Hours

Peak hours is the time when electricity demand is very high. During this time the electricity tariff increases which can charge you more than normal. Mepco suggests you carefully use the power energy during peak hours to save units.

peak hours are the rush hours that can badly impact the power energy resources. Therefore, you are required to manage your timings to use the heavy electric appliances accordingly. Acting upon these measures you can reduce your unit consumption which ultimately lessens your electricity billing burden.

You need to strictly act upon the following peak hours to avoid overbilling and power interruption. 

December to February

March to May

June to August

September to November

5 pm to 9 pm

6 pm to 10 pm

7 pm to 11 pm

6 pm to 10 pm

Mepco Bill Taxes

You worry when you come across a Mepco online bill that imposes different kinds of taxes on consumers.  The levy of taxes aims for revenue generation and improvement of infrastructure facilities. Therefore you can observe various taxes on your electricity bill apart from unit costs. Here is the list of taxes along with details you witness while online mepco bill check.

mepco bill online


FPA means Fuel Price Adjustment. This is a kind of tax imposed on the consumers by utility companies whenever fuel cost fluctuation occurs. These companies produce electricity using crude oil. Whenever its cost gets high due to purchasing and transportation then you can witness in your mepco online bill the additional charges as FPA to overcome the expenses. 

TR Surcharge

There is a TR Surcharge (Tariff Rationalization Surcharge) in the electricity tariff of NEPRA (National Electric Power Regulatory Authority) and GOP (Government of Pakistan).

If the tariff difference between the NEPRA and the GOP is positive, then the GOP will extend financial support in the form of a subsidy. However if the tariff difference is negative, the NEPRA will be bound to pay as Inter DISCO Tariff Rationalization Surcharge. DISCO is a power distribution company which provides electricity in an area

FC Surcharge

You can also witness another surcharge in your electricity bill, the Financing Surcharge. It is levied on consumers at the rate of 43 paisa per unit to repay the debt of electricity-producing companies.

Deferred Amount

A deferred amount in a bill means you have a grace period in your bill payment.  In this case, the late payment surcharge does not apply to mepco online bill consumer. This amount will be added to next month’s bill. You can make full payment or installments. 

QTR Tariff Adj / DMC

Quarter Tariff Adjustment is an amount applied to consumers after three months.

Tips for Conserving Electricity and Lowering Your Bills

Conservation of energy resources is the need of the hour. Resources are gradually decreasing with every passing time. Therefore you must be careful in utilizing these resources amicably.

If you want to save electricity and reduce your mepco bill amount then you need to utilize the power energy responsibly. The following steps will cut short your billing amount as well as conserve electricity power energy.

Unplug devices when not in use

Using electronic appliances in our homes and offices has become an integral part of our lives. You need to manage all your devices very carefully to avoid any harm. Unplug all your gadgets when not in use. Because some devices consume electric power even in standby mode or turned off.  This phenomenon is called phantom energy.

Some appliances when plugged in might catch fire which not only damages the device but may cause severe injuries. Therefore before going to bed or leaving the room, unplug appliances like chargers, TV, games and other devices.

utilize energy-efficient appliances

You might have expensive electrical appliances at your home for use in the kitchen and laundry. But these appliances consume a very high amount of energy. You need to replace them with energy-efficient appliances with a high star energy rating.

Energy-efficient gadgets like fridges, refrigerators, washing machines, cloth dryers and dishwashers consume very little energy which ultimately lowers your electricity cost. 

Use Energy Saving Bulbs

Using electronic appliances in our homes and offices has become an integral part of our lives. You need to manage all your devices very carefully to avoid any harm. Unplug all your gadgets when not in use. Because some devices consume electric power even in standby mode or turned off.  This phenomenon is called phantom energy.

Some appliances when plugged in might catch fire which not only damages the device but may cause severe injuries. Therefore before going to bed or leaving the room, unplug appliances like chargers, TV, games and other devices.

Energy-efficient gadgets like fridges, refrigerators, washing machines, cloth dryers and dishwashers consume very little energy which ultimately lowers your electricity cost. 

Use Natural daylight

You need to utilize natural sunlight in the daytime. It helps you reduce your consumption of power energy. Open the doors and windows of your room to enlighten the room with broad natural daylight. This not only helps in saving energy but also properly ventilates your room.

Avoid High-Demand Periods

This is also called peak hours. During peak hours the demand for electricity consumption is increased which can charge you a high bill. Therefore, you should avoid peak hours to save the unit consumption

Improve Insulation in your Residence

You should properly insulate your homes to avoid the weather impacts. This will not only protect you from harsh weather conditions but also contribute to the conservation of electrical energy.

Insulation helps in maintaining the indoor temperature of your residence. So you do not need to run electronic gadgets.

Cooking with Minimal energy consumption

Your kitchen products should contain cooking gadgets that cook food using minimal energy consumption like microwave ovens, toaster ovens and air fryers.

Air-dry your clothes

When it comes to saving energy and money, you need to leave conventional ways of drying your clothes that cost you very high. Always air dry your clothes. Air-drying is a free and easy method saving your billing amount and endure your clothes’ lifespan.

Register and Track Online Complaints

If you have any complaint regarding your unit difference, electricity interruption or delay in the installation of your Meter, then the MEPCO bill check website facilitates you to submit a complaint application to your nearest mepco office or register your complaint through CCMS, which is an online customer complaint management system.

customer complaint management system is state-of-the-art, enabling you to submit your complaint for redressal quickly.

Mepco online bill complaint Registration and Tracking Tips

Before registering an online bill complaint with the authority you should go through the following steps.

After successfully creating your account, log in to CCMS and put your bill Reference number and registered phone number

Your verification will undergo whether you are an MEPCO consumer or otherwise

You can easily track your complaint by clicking the “Track by Reference” button

CCMS also helps you t track your load-shedding schedule

Mepco has a network of complaint managent ceters in different regions. In case of any inquiry or complaint, you can reach them either visiting physicall or by means of mepco complaint number or helpline.

Mepco bill installment online

Sometimes you face issues like not having enough amount to pay the full bill at once. Therefore mepco allows you to approach the nearest office to get your bill paid in installments which ultimately extends your due date without any surcharge.

No. of InstallmentsAmountAuthorised Officer
110,000Assistant Manager Operations
225000Deputy Manager Operations
320,0000Deputy Manager Operations
4500000Manager Operations
5500000Director Commercial
62000000Customer Service Director
71000000CSD/Chief Engineer

If you have issues like a low budget or want to pay your electricity bill in installments. You must reach your nearest mepco office and contact the officers mentioned above. The concerned officers will assign you sanctions for delayed payment of your bill. So in this way, you can pay your electricity bill in easy installments. If you have any query related to the above topic, feel free to contact us.

Frequently Asked Questions

Mepco is Multan Electricity Power Company. It allows you to check mepco online bill Multan and other areas of South Punjab.

Visit this website and put your 14-digit reference number or 10-digit customer ID in the search box. Your bill will appear. Now you can check, download and print your online bill.

Visit this website for a bill check and enter your 14-digit reference number or put in a 10-digit customer ID. your bill information will appear.

Enter units consumed,  in the empty field of the Mepco calculator. It will calculate your bill amount based on the unit rate and other taxes included.

Download the mepco online bill check app from your mobile Play store. By entering your reference number you can watch and download your bill. You can also check and download the mepco bill for the last month.

You can pay your mepco online bill via Jazz Cash, Easy Paisa, or your bank Credit Card. You can also pay your bill through internet banking.


Mepco offers you an easy way to manage your electricity bills online from the comfort of your home. By simply entering the 14-digit reference number or 10-digit customer ID, you can access your current and previous bill information, download duplicate bills and even print them if needed.